Auditory Learning Style | VARK Model | Acumen Today
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- October 29, 2019
Auditory Learning Style.
Learning is a skill that we need to know as well as our own ability to know, identify, recognize, grasp, understand and realize leading to being aware, well informed and going towards attaining knowledge.
To know our learning preference / style / method, the researchers have built up various distinctive Learning Styles & models to perceive the various ways that individuals adapt best. One well-known system, the VARK model, recognizes four essential kinds of learning preference / style: Visual learning Style, Auditory learning Style, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning Style (VARK).
Each learning preference / style / type responds best to a particular technique for learning. The Visual type of students, learns by seeing, viewing, observing, inspecting what they are expected to know. Auditory type of students will learn best after discussing it with others, while kinesthetic type of students will take the opportunity to take interest in a hands-on activity.
Recognizing your learning preference / styles as visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic; students will be able to improve the general understanding, comprehension, application and aid in meaningful learning. The learning will be gainful for the overall development of the capabilities of the individual. Enabling the learner to get a hold on this will build their academic confidence.
We explore the auditory learning Style / Preference / Method;
Auditory Learning Style:
If you are an auditory learner, you learn by hearing and listening. You understand and remember mostly the things you have heard. You store information by the way it sounds, and you have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. You often learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it.
As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk to yourself or others if you become bored. People may think you are not paying attention, even though you may be hearing and understanding everything being said.
Auditory Learning Strategies
Those with an auditory learning style like to speak and hear others speak in order to learn, but they may have trouble reading silently or staying engaged in a completely quiet classroom. If you are an auditory learner, try these strategies to improve your learning experience.
In the Classroom. During classroom sessions, focus your brain power on listening closely to what the teacher is speaking / teaching. You’ll process the information much better this way than if you try to jot down every word the teacher says.
Sit near the front of the room. Find a place in the front row in the classroom so that you can hear every word of the teacher.
Find a study buddy. Team up with a study group or a reliable study partner and quiz each other on the content. Verbally reinforcing the learning will help you retain it, especially if you have to remember, recall and reproduce lots of details.
Listen to your voice. The words that you speak, the sentences you make and the learning that you accrue by focussing on the words will help you not only remember, but also to recall and reproduce it in a very effective & efficient manner.
Record your own voice. To listen to your own voice, you can create your own audio recordings of lessons, concepts and courses. Later, you can listen back to the recording and make notes on the most important information.
Listen to classical music. Listen to lyric-free music while you study. (Music with lyrics may be too distracting.)
Participate in class discussions as much as possible. Talking about your ideas and voicing your questions will increase your understanding of the material. Encourage other students when you speak so that others feel just as comfortable as you do speaking in front of a group.
Record yourself reading key terms and their definitions out loud. Then, listen to the recording all the time; while you walk, exercise, or get ready for bed!
Repeat facts with your eyes closed. This technique will help you focus your attention on the auditory process, rather than any other visual stimuli that might be in front of you.
Read assignments out loud. If you’re given a homework that involves reading a lengthy chapter, don’t feel like you’re trapped into a silent reading session. Instead, curl up in your room or another study space and read aloud to yourself. (You can even make it interesting by using goofy voices.)