Grade 2 – Set of 5 Books


For conceptual understanding of Maths, Science, English, GK based on CBSE,State Board and ICSE syllabus. WorkBooks for Self Learning.

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We at AcumenToday are into inculcating the habit of reading, learning and correlating the concepts in a simplified, meaningful and enforced manner. While we focus on Today, our goal is that for the future of every child! We have developed a series of 10 books which covers and slowly builds the concepts recommended by reputed boards of India. Hence each book is planned in a way to be covered/finished in a months? time to accommodate the next volume which would further strengthen the conceptual understanding. Through simplified visuals we intend to make the whole learning experience Meaningful and Fun!! We intentionally do not follow a structured approach while we structure the understanding of the concepts by the children in a holistic manner as Math, Science and English go hand in hand. While we have a lot of content/ topics/ subjects and concepts covered, keeping in mind the intelligence of the children, we have not listed the table of content to enable them to go through all the pages and in turn build an element of surprise and an overall development of their skills. We work around the subjects such as Math, Science and English that needs conceptual understanding which would be helpful throughout their career path. Your child is here to achieve, lets work together in making that happen!

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    For conceptual understanding of Maths, Science, English, GK based on CBSE,State Board and ICSE syllabus. WorkBooks for Self...

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