Computer Book 1


This book introduces young learners to the basics of computers through engaging visuals and interactive lessons. Topics include an introduction to computers, understanding their parts, using tools like the keyboard and mouse, and exploring creative software like Paint. The book emphasizes safe computer practices and fosters learning through activities, test papers, and projects.

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  • Body parts of a computer
  • Uses of computers
  •  Places where computers are used
  • Primary parts and Secondary parts
  • CPU and Monitor
  • Starting and Shutting Down a Computer
  • Keyboard, different keys and its uses
  • Uses, types of mouse
  • Introduction to Paint
  • Do’s and Dont’s

Our Computer Books series are designed and developed to cater to the curious minds of this generation who know a lot of things when it comes to computers.

The explanations, illustrations and descriptions are age and level appropriate to enable, enrich and empower the children with the necessary learning in a simple, meaningful and reinformed manner such that learning is not only fun; it is also engaging and easy through our SiMeCoRe methodology.

The Look and Learn approach helps in providing the learning in the best visual manner such that the student remembers, recollects and reiterates the concepts and topics to ensure the student is capable and able to apply the learnt concepts/topics as and where and as and when necessary.

The books are designed with a lot of visuals and explanations in a teaching & learning-friendly manner which is reflective of the guidelines and framework as provided by the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020).