National Education Policy India 2019 | NEP | AcumenToday
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- October 16, 2019
National Education Policy India 2019 | NEP | AcumenToday.
National Education Policy Summary
While the Central Government along with all the State Governments is working on getting the New national education policy India (NEP) implemented from the next academic year – we would like to highlight some of the major focus areas.
The national education policy India(NEP) 2019 envisions an India centered education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-quality education to all.
The Committee for Draft national education policy India (NEP) (Chair: Dr K. Kasturirangan) presented its report on May 31, 2019. The Committee was established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in June 2017.
The Highlights are elucidated in this document.
The report proposes a national education policy in India, which looks to address the difficulties of:
- Access
- Value
- Quality
- Moderateness and
- Collective Responsibility
The draft Policy accommodates changes at all degrees of education from school to advanced – Higher education. It attempts to build the emphasis on early childhood care (ECCE), focus on Learning, competencies & skills, changes the present test/assessment framework, reinforce instructor preparing and rebuild the education administrative system. It additionally tries to set up a National Education Commission, increment open interest in education, fortify the utilization of innovation, and increment centers around professional and grown-up education, among others.
Key insights and suggestions of the new Indian National Education Policy include:
- Present-day Challenges, Gaps, Disparities
- Aligning with 21st Century Skills
- Focus on Learning
- Make Students – Future Ready
School Education Changes – National Education Policy 2019
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): Notwithstanding issues of access, the new education policy draft committee watched a few quality-related inadequacies in the current early childhood learning programs (age 3 to 6). These include (I) an educational plan that doesn’t meet the developmental needs of kids, (ii) the absence of qualified and prepared instructors, and (iii) substandard teaching methods.
The objective is that every child in the age group of 3 to 6 years has access to free, safe, high-quality, developmentally appropriate care and education by 2025.
Right now, most early childhood education is conveyed through Anganwadis and private preschools. Be that as it may, there have been fewer spotlights on the educational parts of early childhood. Subsequently, the draft Policy suggests building up a two-section educational plan for early childhood care and education. This will comprise of: (I) rules for as long as three-year-old kids (for guardians and educators), and (ii) educational structure for three to eight-year-old youngsters. This would be executed by improving and expanding the Anganwadi framework and co-founding Anganwadis with elementary schools.
The Right to Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act): Currently, the RTE Act accommodates free and necessary education to all children in the age of 6 to 14 years. The new Policy suggests expanding the ambit of the RTE Act to incorporate early childhood education and auxiliary school education. This would broaden the inclusion of the Act to all children between the ages of 3 to 18 years.
In expansion, the draft Policy prescribes that the ongoing alterations to the RTE Act on constant and far-reaching assessment and the no confinement policy must be inspected. It expresses that there ought to be no detainment of youngsters till class eight. Rather, schools must guarantee that youngsters are accomplishing age-appropriate and relevant learning levels.
Curriculum system: The present structure of school education must be rebuilt based on the development needs of alternates. This would comprise of a 5-3-3-4 structure involving:
- 5 years of essential stage (three years of pre-elementary school and classes 1 and 2),
- 3 years of preliminary stage (classes 3 to 5),
- 3 years of center stage (classes 6 to 8), and
- 4 years of optional stage (classes 9 to 12).
The Committee noticed that the present education framework exclusively centers around Rote Learning of certainties and methods. Thus, it prescribes that the educational plan load in each subject ought to be diminished to its fundamental core substance – Conceptual Learning. This would make space for comprehensive, exchange, and analysis-based learning.
School test changes:
The new education policy committee noticed that the present board assessments:
- Power students to focus just on a couple of subjects,
- Don’t test learning in a developmental way, and
- Cause worry among understudies. To keep tabs on understudies’ development all through their school involvement, the draft Policy proposes State Census Examinations in classes three, five, and eight. Further, it prescribes rebuilding the board assessments to test just center ideas, aptitudes, and higher request limits. These board assessments will be on the scope of subjects. The understudies can pick their subjects, and the semester when they need to take these board tests. The in-school last assessments might be supplanted by these board assessments.
School foundation: The new education policy committee noticed that setting upgrade schools in each residence the nation over has helped increment access to education. Be that as it may, it has prompted the development of extremely few schools (having a low number of students). The little size of schools makes it operationally complex to convey educators and basic physical resources. Accordingly, the draft Policy prescribes that various government-funded schools ought to be united to frame a school complex.
The school buildings will likewise incorporate Anganwadis, professional education offices, and a grown-up education focus. Each school complex will be a semi-self-ruling unit giving incorporated education overall phases from early childhood to auxiliary education. This will guarantee that resources, for example, foundation and prepared instructors can be proficiently shared over a school complex.
About the Teacher: The new education policy committee noticed that there has been a lofty ascent in instructor deficiency, absence of professionally qualified educators, and sending of instructors for non-educational purposes. The draft Policy prescribes that instructors ought to be sent with a specific school complex for in any event five to seven years. Further, educators won’t be permitted to take an interest in any non-showing exercises, (for example, cooking early afternoon dinners or taking an interest in immunization crusades) during school hours that could influence their instructing limits.
For educator preparing, the current B.Ed. the program will be replaced by a four-year coordinated B.Ed. a program that consolidates top-notch substance, instructional method, and viable preparation. An incorporated consistent professional development will likewise be produced for all subjects. Instructors will be required to finish at least 50 hours of consistent professional development preparation each year.
Regulation of schools: The draft Policy prescribes isolating the guideline of schools from perspectives, for example, policymaking, school activities, and scholastic development. It recommends making an autonomous State School Regulatory Authority that will endorse fundamental uniform standards for open and non-public schools. The Department of Education of the State will plan policy and lead observing and supervision.